Request for Endorsement for the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal
5 – 6 February 2025, Brussels
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Campus Etterbeek – Gebouw Q: aula QA – Brussels
Tel : +31686453055
To Esteemed Representatives of Human Rights Organizations,
We write to respectfully request your support in addressing alleged grievous human rights violations and war crimes perpetrated by the Turkish government and Turkey-backed forces in north and east Syria, also known as Rojava. These actions, which bear the hallmarks of crimes against humanity under international law, have inflicted profound suffering upon civilians, decimated invaluable cultural heritage, and advanced a deliberate agenda of demographic engineering aimed at displacing the Kurdish population and other ethnic minorities.
On the 5th and 6th of February, 2025, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT), in collaboration with several organizations deeply engaged in human rights work in the region, will convene a tribunal to address these abuses. This tribunal will serve as a platform to raise awareness, document violations, and work towards justice.
Grave Human Rights Violations and Breaches of International Humanitarian Law by the Turkish State
– Forced Displacement of Populations: Across various regions, particularly in Afrin and Ras al-Ayn, Kurdish residents have been forcibly displaced in violation of fundamental humanitarian principles. These displacements, marked by violent and coercive measures, constitute direct contraventions of the Geneva Conventions and the principles enshrined within the United Nations Charter.
– Use of Banned Weapons and Targeting of Civilians: Turkish forces have reportedly deployed prohibited weapons, including white phosphorus, against civilians and civilian infrastructure. These incidents have impacted schools, hospitals, and places of worship, underscoring a systematic disregard for civilian protection.
– Targeted Assassinations and Civilian Massacres: Among the emblematic victims of these atrocities is Hevrin Khalaf, Secretary-General of the Future Syria Party, who was assassinated in an act aimed at silencing voices for peace and regional stability. Additionally, incidents such as the massacre at Taqal Baqal, in which civilians were brutally attacked while attempting to render aid, exemplify acts of intentional violence against non-combatants, in violation of the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.
– Deliberate Disruption of Water Supply – Alouk Water Station: The Alouk water station, a critical infrastructure site near Ras al-Ayn, has faced repeated service interruptions due to military actions and manipulation by forces affiliated with the Turkish state. These prolonged and often unjustified disruptions have deprived over one million people of safe, potable water, sparking a humanitarian crisis in Hasakah and surrounding areas. The United Nations has consistently voiced grave concerns about this situation, describing it as a “threat to life and human dignity” that deepens the suffering of an already vulnerable population strained by prolonged conflict. Access to water is a fundamental human right, as recognized in international resolutions, including UN General Assembly Resolution 64/292, which explicitly declares that access to safe drinking water and sanitation are essential rights for the full enjoyment of life. By deliberately depriving the region’s inhabitants of access to water, Turkish forces not only violate basic humanitarian principles but also create a critical health crisis, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases and threatening food security. The manipulation of this vital resource as a weapon of war constitutes a severe breach of international humanitarian law and contravenes prohibitions on inhumane treatment toward civilian populations.
– Destruction of Cultural Heritage and Religious Sites: Turkish-aligned forces have undertaken the systematic destruction of cultural and religious sites in Afrin, including sacred Yazidi shrines. This pattern of destruction, accompanied by widespread looting of archaeological treasures, constitutes a grave violation of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property.
– Torture and Unlawful Detention: Numerous civilians have been subjected to torture and arbitrary detention, including prominent cases such as that of Nadiya Sulaiman. These actions reflect a coordinated attempt to eradicate the cultural, religious, and ethnic identities of the region’s population.
These acts stand in clear violation of international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions and customary law, as well as international human rights statutes, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
While we recognize that Turkey and Syria have not ratified the Rome Statute, we nevertheless urge the international community to hold these acts to the standard of Articles 7 and 8, which outline universally recognized norms regarding crimes against humanity and war crimes. By applying these principles, we underscore the importance of accountability, regardless of jurisdictional constraints, and we appeal for justice in accordance with the core tenets of customary international humanitarian law.
The preparation of this peoples’ tribunal is actively supported by the Committee for Justice and Law and the Department of Foreign Relations of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES), the Research and Protection Centre for Women’s Rights, and the Human Rights Organizations in Al-Jazira and Afrin, as well as MAF-DAD e.V (Association for Democracy and International Law), IADL, Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), the Kurdish Institute of Brussels and the Free University of Brussels (VUB). Together with these bodies, numerous other organizations dedicated to documentation and advocacy within the region have contributed to assembling the necessary evidence and resources to support the tribunal’s objectives.
We invite your esteemed organizations to join this initiative publicly endorsing the tribunal proceedings, facilitating the sharing of documentation and testimonies, and contributing your expertise to the meticulous documentation of these crimes by the participation of your organizations in the tribunal. Your support is essential to ensure that those responsible are held accountable and that the victims receive justice.
In solidarity with the victims, we trust that you will stand with us in this effort to halt further violations and to ensure that justice prevails.
Midya Abdah – Center for Research and Protection of Woman’s Rights in Europe
Haike Geisweid – Association for Democracy and International Law (MAF-DAD)
Ceren Uysal – European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights (ELDH)
Contact Tel : +31686453055
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